Friday, November 28, 2014

INFR3110 Blog 4

Physics in a game serves many purposes, but its primary goal is to create realism. The addition of physics brings along many emerging dynamics; from complex real-world interactions such as gravity, springs, water, clothing movement, to explosions, there is much that a physics engine can do to enhance the overall experience of your game. One vital topic of physics is collision detection.

In order to represent objects in our game world, we typically need a collidable entity – or bounding box, shape to represent it in a “physics world”. The collidable entity is not visible to the player, but is attached and used to represent objects in our game world. Implementation wise, as the entities in our physics world is updated, based of elements such as gravity, and force, the game world will use the updated collidable entity to transform our game world objects. An example of this would be having say a basketball in our game world, and creating than attaching a collidable entity from the physics world. The collidable entity will likely be a sphere shape and will be given physics properties such as bounciness, mass and drag. When our physics world updates, the collidable entity will frame by frame fall to the ground and bounce.  To apply this to our game world, we simple use the updated attributes from the collidable entity and apply them to our game world’s basketball mesh.

Above, we see that we used a sphere primitive to represent our basketball in the physics world, however for more complex shapes there are many other options. The player object, depending on game complexity will likely be represented with a capsule in our physics world.  Another primitive for our collidable entities is the box.

When it comes to actually detecting collision between objects, some of the methods are :

Axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) is one of the simplest implementations of collision detection; it involves creating bounding boxes from the same coordinate system.  Collision is detected if any points are inside another. Essentially for the 2 objects a collision is checked for, it is the equivalent to drawing a box, with the axis x, y, z to be parallel to one another. The major problem with this method is if one of the objects is rotated, in which case the bounding box becomes very inaccurate, with the potential for having a lot of empty space. This was the case for my previous GDW game, where fences had bounding boxes that were too big, when rotated or checked against the character at a non-parallel angle.

The other method that remedies the above problem is to create an Oriented bounding box(OBB), essentially the boxes will no longer have parallel axis, but will be rotated by its local transformation. To detect the actual collision, there are methods such as using Seperating Axis Theorem(SAT).

The basic idea behind the SAT algorithm is to create a projection of each edge, perpendicular to itself (normal). A vector is formed and if, there is no overlap between the projection formed and the project of the other bounding box, this edge will have no collision. If there exists a projection where there is no overlap, than the 2 bounding boxes is determined to be not colliding.

Detection of other primitives is more straightforward. For instance, collision between spheres can be determined by comparing their respective radii to get the distance from one another.

Gregory, J. (2009). Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics. Game engine architecture. Wellesley, Mass.: A K Peters

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