Sunday, March 9, 2014

Blog 7

Deferred Shading

Up until now we have been performing lighting calculations in our games using either the vertex or fragment shaders in the initial pass and then perform post processing effects; this is called forward shading. In forward shading, these properties are used immediately in the fragment shader to perform lighting calculations to output a single render target.

Forward Shading

The other technique is deferred shading. As it name implies, it post-pones the lighting to a later stage. From the fragment shader, the attributes used for lighting are passed to multiple render targets (MRT) of color, normal, and depth. These MRT make up what is known as the G-buffer or geometry buffer. Lighting is calculated as a post processing effect by sampling the render targets as textures.

Deferred Shading

In forward shading, each fragment is shaded as it goes and requires additional calculations for each light; the number of calculations needed, is determined by the number of fragments * number of lights.
As fragments can include those that are behind others, they can be overlapped. This creates inefficiencies if the fragment is not affected by a light or is overlapped later on when the final pixel is calculated; essentially all that effort spent for that fragment becomes wasted.

What is important to note in deferred shading is that irrelevant fragments have been culled before passing on to the G-buffer. The number of calculations needed are significantly less; number of pixels * number of lights. As you can see, the complexity of deferred lighting is independent and unaffected by the number of objects in a scene, where as in forward shading, the more objects there are, the more fragments and the slower the performance.

Additionally, with deferred shading, lighting can be optimized by determining a lights region of influence by using the available world space. Assuming the region of a point light as a sphere, a spot light as a cone and a directional light as a box, we can determine which pixels are affected and perform shading only on the pixels in the region of influence of a specific light. With this technique, many more lights can be rendered compared to that of forward shading. This is one of the prime advantages of using deferred lighting, to create scenes with many lights.

A disadvantage of deferred shading is its memory cost in storing the G-Buffers. The overhead of storing MRT can be a problem on some hardware, but as technology improves, this is becoming less and less of a problem. Antialiasing and transparency are also a problematic, they require a different approach. The techniques employed to overcome antialiasing and transparencies with deferred shading are inefficient and as such they may actually lower performance versus the forward shading approach.

Some advantages and disadvantages of deferred shading
  • Faster more efficient lighting calculations
  • More lights can be added
  • Lighting information can be accessed by other shaders
  • No additional geometry passes needed

Disadvantages of deferred shading
  • Memory cost
  • Antialiasing difficulty
  • Transparency done separately
  • Can’t be done with old hardware

Example of MRT used for deferred shading

Akenine-Möller, T., Haines, E., & Hoffman, N. (2008). Real-time rendering (3rd ed.). AK Peters. Retrieved from

Gunnarsson, E., Olausson, M. (2011). Deferred Shading[Seminar Notes]. Retrieved from

Hogue, A. (2014, March 7). Deferred Shading [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from UOIT College Blackboard site:

Nguyuen, H. (2008). Chapter 19. Deferred Shading in Tabula Rasa. CPU Gems 3. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

Valient, M. (2007). Deferred Rendering in Killzone 2. Guerilla Games. Retrieved from

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