With study
week at an end, the midterm is just a day away. I will dedicate this post as a
sort of light review on topics I’ve have not touched on in these blog posts.
It is
important to distinguish the differences between modern and old opengl, as such
understanding how that the GPU access data through buffers and processes it in
parallel; with 1000s of cores vs. the 4 or so cores of the CPU. With shaders,
the once fixed pipeline can now be accessed and programmed specifically to our
needs; no longer do we have to rely on slow CPU based methods. To fully
understand this, we need to understand the graphics pipeline.
Graphics Pipeline
Vertex data
is passed though vertex buffer objects that are sent to the GPU. Setting up
these VBOs allow us to access them in the vertex shader as input by specifying layout (location=attribute index) in vec3
pos. Other data can be passed via uniform variables. In the vertex shader,
a location is passed along by specifying the value to gl_Position. The next
stage, after each vertex is processed is the triangle assembly. In the triangle
assembly, the vertex locations are used to create basic triangles by connecting
groups of 3 vertex and connecting them together – this forms the full object
passed into the vbo. In the next stage, the rasterizer goes through each
triangle and determines whether to clip portions of it depending on if it
visible in screen space. The remaining unclipped portions of the triangle are
converted to fragments. If other data is passed along with the location (normal,
color, uv) the rasterizer will also interpolate between the vertices of the
triangle and assigns each fragments interpolate values of color, normal or uv
coords. The last step is to process each fragment in the fragment shader. Here,
we can are passed along values from the vertex shader and the fragment itself.
In this shader we typically manipulate the color of the fragment to create
different effects such as lighting, can sample values from a texture and map
them using tex coords. When all is done, the data can be outputted in the same
way as layout (location=attribute index) out
vec4 color. Data is sent to an FBO where it can be drawn on screen or
stored for later use (such as a second pass for post-processing effects).
Shadow Mapping
Although I
made mention to how shadow mapping works in previous posts, I never went
through in enough detail or make mention of the math behind it. After the
shadow map is created from the first pass of the light’s perspective, the
second pass is that of the screen’s perspective. From here, we need to map
pixels from this space to that of the shadow map to compare whether a given
pixel is occluded. What we have is the world to light matrix (LTW)
and world to camera matrix/modelview (CTW), what we need
is to transform a pixel from camera space to light space, so LTW
CTW vC . But that doesn’t work as the from and to
do not match LTW CTW vC , what we need instead is LTW
(WTC) vC . To get (WTC), we need
the inverse of the model view matrix CTW-1.
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