Tuesday, December 2, 2014

INFR3110 Blog 5

With exams coming up, I will be devoting this blog to briefly review and refresh a few topics learned earlier this course.

To begin, one of the new concepts is the idea of a smart pointer. Essential a smart pointer is a special object that contains a pointer along with the additional of potential data members and functions. A smart pointer is able to do what a regular pointer cannot natively. An example of this is storing a reference count to ensure that there are no dangling pointers with zero references, causing a potential memory leak.  A smart pointer will intelligently know to destroy itself if the situation ever arises.  This is just one of the examples of a smart pointer, for instance a weak pointer will still contain some additional functions but will not automatically destroy itself if reference count reaches zero. The major disadvantage with a smart pointer is based around implementation. It is very difficult to implement a good smart pointer. Thankfully it is already implemented in 2loc.

Moving away from the traditional object orient design that we have all been familiar with, we look to a new concept of entity component systems. In the entity component system, each element of entity, component and system serve unique purposes.

The entity itself is nothing more of a container for data and its unique id. An entity has multiple components attached to it. It is important to remember that the components and the entity are just data. A good example to think about this, especially if you have used unity is that each object has sub-components that are added to it. These objects or data can be for instance components that describe the object - a material with data such as the diffuse, normal, specular maps ; a bounding box, with a vector for each pointer or perhaps a radius; a transformation, perhaps divided into rotation, position, scale; a mesh describing the objects; containing arrays of vertex data. Each of these components are attached to the entity and make up the entity, these components are attachable and detachable - the entity itself does not matter what or how many components are attached.  The most important aspect of the entity in this case is being modular.

When it comes to functionality, it is up to the systems to perform the task given an entity. In order for a given system to perform its function on an entity, the entity must have the required components attached; again it does not matter if the entity has more components than the system needs. If the entity indicated above were to be fed to say a render system, the relevant components – the mesh and the material and perhaps the transformation components will be used by the system to perform the operation of rendering. If the same entity were to be passed to physics system, than the relevant components would be transformation and bounding box components. This is just a trivial example of how the entity component system works. The systems themselves do not store data but access it through entities and uses it to perform calculations. These systems operate sequentially – you can have for example an AI system to determine an entity’s movement than have a physics system go and compute afterwards.

To further illustrate the entity component system using an example. Take for instance a generic entity with no components attached to it other than its name (id). To make this entity do something we can attach a transformation component to it. Now we can move it around the world, however there will likely be almost no systems that will be able to use it. If we were to add a light component to it – for instance a component that can make the entity a light source, describing its light color, range, attenuation and direction. The system can thus perform appropriate calculations using this entity to light other entities.

Byte56. (2012, July 2). Role of systems in entity systems architecture. [Reply Post]. Retrieved from http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/31473/role-of-systems-in-entity-systems-architecture

Gregory, J. (2009). Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems.  Game engine architecture. Wellesley, Mass.: A K  Peters